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Finalist For Songwriter Of The Year!!

Be someone’s Moon, a light during their darkest moments. ” - Pen Name Moon


Kristen Poulter, known by her pen name Moon, radiates as a guiding light in both the literary and musical realms, captivating audiences with her poetic lyricism and unwavering commitment to spreading positivity. From a young age, Moon's pen name served as a beacon of hope, symbolizing her earnest desire to illuminate the lives of others during their darkest times.

Drawing inspiration from her pen name, Moon embarked on a multifaceted creative journey, seamlessly blending her roles as an author, poet, and lyricist. At 38 years old, Moon embraces her roles as a mother and new grandmother, inspiring individuals of all ages to pursue their dreams fearlessly, regardless of the obstacles they may face.

Moon's musical odyssey began unexpectedly in 2021, propelled by a whimsical exchange during an online tutoring session with a child in India. Fueled by her innate talent for storytelling, Moon seamlessly transitioned her poetic prowess into the realm of music, crafting poignant compositions that resonate with listeners on a profound level.

Unbound by genre constraints, Moon fearlessly explores a diverse range of musical styles, infusing her compositions with authenticity and depth. Despite lacking formal vocal training, she fearlessly embraces collaboration, blending her own vocals with those of fellow artists in a process she lovingly refers to as "lyric placement." Through this innovative approach, Moon creates rich, multi-dimensional soundscapes that captivate audiences worldwide.

Beyond her musical endeavors, Moon's boundless passion extends to a myriad of interests and pursuits, from authorship and wildlife rehabilitation to technological innovation and philanthropy. A true Renaissance woman, Moon's eclectic endeavors reflect her unwavering commitment to leaving a positive impact on the world and uplifting those around her.

As an independent artist and producer, Moon's music serves as a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and passion. Through her journey, Moon seeks to inspire others to embrace their true selves, break free from societal constraints, and fearlessly pursue their dreams. She was honored to be chosen as a nominee for the International Singer Songwriters Association award show in 2024 for Songwriter of the Year, a recognition of her dedication and talent in the music industry.

Later she was humbled by being voted as finalist for Songwriter of the Year.

Pen Name Moon (Moon)

Kristen Michelle Poulter

The Girl With Too Many Hobbies




*Independent Artist

*Radio DJ


*Medical Professional 

*Wildlife Rehabber 

*Amazon, Logie, & Thermalabs Influencer 

*Tim Burton Brand Ambassador 

*Clapper & RouteNote Affiliate

*Content Creator


*Google & Microsoft Developer

*MMD Animator

*Ordained Minister

*Founder Of A Educational Non Profit

- The Moon Initiative 

*Founder Of A Independent Label 

- Poetic Moon Records & More

*Founder Of A Independent Radio

-Poetic Moon R&M Radio

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